Thursday, September 4, 2008


For a long time now one associates Indian cricket with the BCCI and vice versa. However, with the advent of the IPL this association may soon become outdated.

Consider this, we have seen IP, Lalit Modi and the slap –gate’ controversy ignite passion and take over public imagination. So much so, in the last fifteen days Harbhajan –Sreesanth disciplinary proceedings is the only occasion the BCCI has been in the limelight. Interestingly, this controversy originated in the IPL

Granted the IPL is a matter of 45 days, nevertheless, with discussions of Champions League in incubation, it has the wherewithal to become a year long jamboree.

If IPL sustains the current level of interest, it will be more alluring and powerful even for the cricket administrators. A stage will come when the BCCI officials, will be politicking and jockeying for positions in the IPL.

Ultimately, the BCCI will find its patronage and power diminish. Its future will depend on how it reconciles itself to the growing popularity of IPL.

Will it have the maturity to let it grow or will the renowned ‘crab culture’ destroy one of them?

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